2024 Elections

In October, the MSA Membership will be asked to vote in the 2024 Elections.

​There will be two parts to the 2024 ballot. Members will vote for the Executive Committee positions of Information Officer and the ISA Council Representative, to take office on January 1, 2025. There will also be a vote on proposed changes to the MSA Bylaws. Please see below for more information on the proposed bylaw changes and the candidates running for office.

Voting will take place by e-ballot October 9-24, 2024. Current MSA members will receive the ballot by email when voting opens on October 9.​ ​Results of the election will be announced at the MSA Fall Conference on October 24, 2024 and in MSA’s e-news shortly thereafter.  

2024 Proposed Bylaw Changes

The MSA Executive Committee has proposed amendments to the MSA Constitution & Bylaws. The proposed amendments surround the position of the ISA Council of Representatives (CoR) member.

The ISA CoR member is an officer of the MSA Executive Committee and serves as the chapter representative on the Council of Representatives of ISA. ISA has made changes to the Council, including the representative body’s name (now the ISA Component Council) and the term length each chapter representative is able to serve (now 2-year terms instead of 3-year terms).

To align with and adopt these changes by ISA, MSA must make amendments to its own chapter bylaws. Please review the proposed amendments by clicking the button below. Red/strikethrough language is to be deleted; Blue is to be added.

2024 Candidates​

The following candidates are running for officer positions on MSA’s Executive Committee.  Click the links next to each candidate to review their candidate information. Position descriptions for each position can be viewed below. ​

Position Description – Information Officer
Position Description – ISA Council of Representatives (CoR) member / ISA Component Council Member